SUBSISTENCE FARMING is the type of of Agriculture that can be classified into two types.

1. Intensive subsistence agriculture 

2. Primitive sibsistence agriculture

1)-- Intensive subsistence agriculture - In this type of farming small land is using for farming manully           and   it require large labour force for intending for the farming, due to  high labour the farmer will get the high amunt of yield. In this system mostly farmer only will get the whole yield and there is no need to require of technology due small piece of land. This type of    farming doing basically densily populated area.

The countries where we can see the intensive agriculture such as south east asian countries including CHINA and INDIA.

In the subsistence farming we can the rice, wheat, millets, oilseeds, pulses etc.

2)-- Primitive subsistence farming - In this farming we can include shifting cultivation/burning cultivation and Nomadic herding. In the shifting cultivation firstly identified the patch of land in the forest and cut the trees whole the selected area for the farming. The tree less patch of land is now set on fire for making the nutrient rich soil because after burning the tree it releases the multiple of nutrients that can be suitable for farming. Then seeds are sown and crops are harvested and this process goes multiple times on the same patch of land until the soil looses its fertility. When the land losses its fertility completly then this land would be abondand by the farmers. And will find new patch of land again for same process. This types of farming basically doing in densily forest area such as Brazil where it is called ROCA and Maxico it is called MILPA In India it is known as JHUM CULTIVATION practiced in north eastern states.


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